Expert Tips for Getting Your Home Exterior Paint-Ready

Your home can be improved in value and looks fresh and updated by painting its exterior. To ensure the paint adheres correctly and lasts as long as possible, it is crucial to prepare your house properly before you begin painting. To ensure a successful outcome, the preparation of your house is just as necessary as the actual painting process. Take your time and adequately prepare your home before applying a new coat of paint.

​This article will explore how to prepare your house exterior for a new coat of paint.

Test for lead:

​It is critical to protect yourself and your neighbors from airborne lead particles if your home was built before 1978 when lead paint was banned for residential use. You can buy test kits to test for lead, and If the tests prove positive, take these precautions to minimize paint dust.
  • Scrapings should be collected on plastic drop cloths.
  • Vacuum the area with a HEPA filter.
  • Tyvek suits and masks should be worn.
  • Use a hazardous materials disposal site approved for the disposal of hazardous materials.

Thorough inspection:

​Inspecting your house before you begin any preparation work thoroughly is crucial.
  • Ensure that there are no damaged or rotten parts, cracks, or holes in the siding or stucco or that it needs to be cleaned or pressure washed.
  • Ensure any necessary repairs are completed before proceeding to further home preparation, as this will ensure a successful outcome. Neglecting to do so could lead to any underlying issues becoming more apparent down the line, resulting in more costly repairs or even a potential safety hazard.
  • Additionally, failure to properly inspect could mean that you miss any potential problems that could negatively affect the outcome of the home preparation project.

Wash the house exterior:

Fresh paint won’t adhere well to dirty, grimy, spore-ridden exterior walls, so wash your home’s exterior before painting.
For the most part, using a pressure washer and a high-quality exterior cleaner is the easiest way to clean a house’s exterior. For an all-natural solution, consider using diluted vinegar. If you have tough stains, you can take a scrubber pad and use them to remove them.
There are many solutions to choose from, but we recommend plant-based cleaners.
  • Wash Safe™ SUPREME All-Purpose Exterior Cleaner​:
    This safe exterior cleaner can eliminate unsightly green and black stains. It is an oxygen-based cleaner that does not contain bleach or harsh chemicals and will not harm plants, pets, or vegetation around your home. If you are looking for a quick way to remove any dirt and debris on your home’s exterior without scrubbing.
  • Rejuvenate Dual System Outdoor Window Cleaner & House Siding Cleaner
    It is one of the best exterior cleaners you can get for your home since it is entirely safe around grass, and plants, and is ideal for vinyl siding, brick, and asphalt roofs. In addition to cleaning exterior windows, this solution can also be used to clean painted surfaces without causing the paint to deteriorate.
  • Simple Green House/Siding Phosphate and Bleach-Free Pressure Washer Cleaner​​
    ​This non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and simple exterior cleaner is safe for use on various building materials and is easy to use. Aside from cleaning homes, RVs, boats, and vinyl coverings, this non-corrosive and non-acidic cleaner can also be used to clean decks, fences, and roofing, and it is bleach-free and acid-free, so you don’t have to worry about damaging your plants and shrubs.
  • Krud Kutter HS01 Green 
    You can use Krud Kutter exterior cleaner to remove dirt and stains from the exterior of your home with ease. Despite its ammonia and bleach-free nature, it is still effective at removing algae, mold, mildew, and caked dirt from exterior surfaces while remaining safe around plants, shrubbery, and lawns​

Scrap and Sand:

​Ensure that all loose, peeling or chipped paint is removed with a scraper, and then sand the surface to create an even and smooth finish. Sanding the surface helps to remove any remaining residue from the scraping process and makes the surface more uniform. It also helps the primer and paint adhere better, which results in a better, longer-lasting finish.

Repair the wall:

Once you have washed, scraped, sanded, and scrubbed your wood siding, you must inspect the holes, dents, and chips that have been revealed.
  • Remove any loose paint around the holes and dents.
  • Apply compound or putty.
  • Allow the compound to dry completely.
  • Sand the compound area.
  • Apply a second coat of compound.

Apply primer:

​Primers are what bind your paint to the surface you’re painting. There are different types of binders for different kinds of surfaces. For example,
  • oil-based primers are suitable for wood.
  • latex primers are good for areas with less ventilation because they do not contain any toxic material and dry faster.
  • Shellac primer is ideal for the interior.

Now it’s time to paint:

You must choose the right kind of paint.
​There are three paint formulas.
  • Acrylic:
    High-quality acrylic paints are typically made with high-quality ingredients that make them thick and viscous. Acrylic paints containing chemicals are elastomeric, which can expand and contract as temperatures fluctuate. Because acrylic paint is elastomeric, it is ideal for exterior painting projects.
  • Latex:
    Latex paints are easier to apply and clean up than other exterior paint types due to their water-based nature. Latex paint also dries quickly. Latex paint expands at warm temperatures and contracts at cool temperatures, just like acrylic paint.
  • Oil-based:
    Due to health restrictions, oil-based paints are not widely used today. They emit hazardous fumes when wet, which can overwhelm the person painting. It is generally safer to use them outdoors with ventilation rather than indoors.

There are three paint finishes.
  • Flat or Matte Finish: 
    This kind of paint is perfect for painting older houses because it conceals imperfections easily. It can instantly transform an older home and give it a clean, modern appearance. Paints with flat finishes are porous, so they aren’t suitable for painting areas with a lot of traffic, such as doors, windows, and floors. Instead, use them to paint exterior siding.
  • Satin Finish:
    A satin finish is one of the most popular paint finishes among homeowners, sometimes called eggshell or low-luster paint. It’s not too dull but not too shiny, so it’s the perfect balance that looks nice on any surface. In particular, satin finishes work well on wood siding and cement siding in good condition.
  • Semi-Gloss and Glossy Finish:
    ​It is easier to clean and durable than satin or flat finish paints. Due to its durability and water resistance, glossy paint is ideal for trim that is exposed to the elements, such as window sills and garage doors. Glossy finish paints are generally more durable than paints with other finishes, so you can use them on surfaces that get much wear.

In case you need an expert, we are here for you.